Classifieds in Chandigarh
- 1K Cars
- 1K Car parts
- 569 Bicycles
- 1K Motorcycles and parts
- 172 Baby Carriages
- 855 Clothes
- 765 Garden & House
- 867 Furniture
- 1K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 896 Computers and parts
- 952 TV games & PC games
- 228 Movies & Music
- 949 Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and video
- 1K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 963 Pets and animals
- 614 Watches & Jewelry
- 596 Music instruments
- 584 Sport
Rs 2,500
Philips Audio Video player with remote
Audio, Video, MP3, MP4 etc.
FM radio
3 years old
Running Condition
Actual Pic Given
Rs 13,000
New LG Colour TV Big Size
Life Good (LG) Colour T.V. New Condition With TV wooden Shokes TV Size too Big & Wooden TV Shokes is new Condition
Rs 12,500
Toshiba 29inch led in warranty for 6 months
Toshiba 29inch led in excellent condition and in perfect price. Fully hd and excellent sound quality. I give free...
Rs 22,000
Sealed box Sharp Razor frame 40inch led
Sealed box Razor frame sharp 40inch led in price like no other can give. Market price is 41,999 but I give in 21,999....
Rs 15,500
Sealed box Haier 32inch led
Sealed box Haier 32inch led in price like no were else. Market price is 30,999 but I give in 15,499. Uttam...
Rs 13,000
New LG Colour TV Big Size
Life Good (LG) Colour T.V. New Condition With TV wooden Shokes TV Size too Big & Wooden TV Shokes is new Condition
Rs 15,000
Lcd 32inch sony
Lcd 32inch of sony company in excellent condition and in perfect price. Fully hd and excellent sound technology. I...
Rs 16,990
Samsung 32inch led for sell
Samsung 32inch led in showroom condition and in perfect price. Fully HD picture and excellent sound technology. HDMI,...
Rs 15,000
32inch lcd Samsung with warranty and installation
32inch lcd of Samsung in brand new condition and in price like no other give. Fully HD and excellent sound quality....
Rs 8,000
Sony VCD with speakers
It includes 3 CD player, cassette player & headphones can be attached and it includes radio also.
Rs 8,000
Sony Home Theatre Set
Sony Trinitron KV-XJ29M80 29 inch screen TV silver and black colour with Sony MHC-RV5 Audio/Video/FM player silver...
Rs 8,000
Sony VCD with speakers
It includes 3 CD player, cassette player & headphones can be attached and it includes radio also.
Rs 2,200
Very new Envent speakers
One month old envent set of 5 speakers with great voice quality...
Rs 9,500
Lg color TV golden eye swing with fantastic picture quality
2 audio video jacks . 26 inches colorful screen. And golden eye system . swing base system. Tv is in very good condition
Rs 2,000
Colour TV individual used in the residence.
Colour TV 21" in Running Condition is for Sale in Parsad Nagar near Karol bagh at Residence.
No Service done so far...
Rs 6,000
LG Flat Picture Tube 23" TV
LG 5 year old Flat tube , 23" inch TV, single owned and no scratch anywhere. STILL NEW LOOK..
Rs 2,700
Sony wega Television
Sony 22 inch tv with subwoofer in great condition. Tv has very good sound. Fixed price
Rs 25,999
Lloyd latest acs new shealed paik free
Hole sale rate mai new acs bedt acs new condition acs free home delivery homes cash delivery with Bill
Rs 13,000
Beats studio 2.0,ANC with good condition(original),price is negotiable
It is a premium headphone with good condition.price is negotiable.
Rs 14,000
Lloyd best led new shealed paik led Samsung
Full full hd led 3year warranty Best rate mai new shealed paik led new Dhamaka offers free home delivery homes cash...
Rs 1,400
BPL Two in One Dake(tap recorder)
1. Two speakers.
2. With more than dozen of cassettes.
3. Seven years old.
4. Servicing required.
5. Battery come...
Rs 6,000
Amazon Fire TV with Remote Controller
UK imported Amazon Fire TV media streamer
Play android games like asphalt 8 and riptide.
Play movies and songs via...
Rs 4,500
Apple iPod touch 4g 8GB
Apple Ipod Touch 4th Generation with Front and Back Camera , In excellent condition with :
1. Back Cover.
2. Original...
Rs 14,000
Lloyd best led new shealed paik led Samsung
Full full hd led 3year warranty Best rate mai new shealed paik led new Dhamaka offers free home delivery homes cash...
Rs 1,200
LG DVD player at very reasonable price.
LG DVD player working properly and remote is with it only.
Rs 2,999
Creative 5.1 sound system
Creative 5.1 sound system. Works with a 5.1 sound card .. perfect for gaming enthusiasts and movie buffs.