Classifieds in Karnataka
- 21K Cars
- 10K Car parts
- 6K Bicycles
- 22K Motorcycles and parts
- 7K Kids’ products & Toys
- 6K Clothes
- 2K Garden & House
- 22K Furniture
- 8K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 16K Computers and parts
- 7K TV games & PC games
- 2K Photo & Cameras
- 8K Audio and video
- 8K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 35K Books
- 6K Pets and animals
- 3K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 4K Music instruments
- 11K Sport
Rs 150,000
Three Black commercial tredmills Two crosstrainers for sale
Three Black commercial tredmills
Two cross trainers
Rs 1,500
Digital Photo Frame
Sylvania SDPF1089 10-Inch LED Multimedia Wood Finished Digital Photo Frame with USB (for Pen drive) and SD card....
Rs 27,000
Hi I'm selling my s7 edge gold 32gb , its 15
Hi I'm selling my s7 edge gold 32gb , its 15 month old with all accessories.
Rs 6,500
Company : Britax. bought from mathercare 3.5 yrs
company : Britax. bought from mathercare
3.5 yrs old .
Detachable infant seat. No damage.
Rs 4,500
Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition
I am selling my Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition. There is no pen/pencil mark in the...
Rs 4,000
Grey And White Laptop Computer
Grey And White Laptop Computer display problem connect the extra monitor good working
Rs 53,000
2015 Honda Activa 4100 Kms very less driven brand new condition
Honda activa very less driven. Brand new condition. 1st owner. All doxuments clear.i Bought for sister. Selling it...
Rs 4,000
New durollex Red Floral Dream On Quilted Mattress 5.5 ft x 6.0 ft.
Red Floral Dream On Quilted Mattress
Rs 4,500
Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition
I am selling my Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition. There is no pen/pencil mark in the...
Rs 27,000
Brand new. bill will be given .. not used .. not
brand new. bill will be given .. not used .. not seconds ..
Rs 1,500
Rs Electrical Rs-380EL Imported Aquarium
Rs Electrical Rs-380EL Imported Aquarium. Price is fixed dont call and bargain. No negotiations.
Rs 150
English novel book in good condition 260 pages -
English novel book in good condition 260 pages - half girlfriend.
Rs 790
M R F Pulsur Tyre in good condition I have
M R F Pulsur Tyre in good condition I have Replace new Tyre so I am selling this interested person can call No 8892...
Rs 1,500
Single Bed recently purchased... Size 3.5x6 price
Single Bed recently purchased...
Size 3.5x6
price negotiable..
Rs 14,500
Apple iPod Touch 5th generation 64GB
Apple iPod Touch 5th generation 64GB. Scratch less. Rarely used. Negotiable.
Rs 4,500
Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition
I am selling my Manhattan Prep GRE Set of 8 Strategy Guides, 4th Edition. There is no pen/pencil mark in the...
Rs 5,000
Rd 350 /Rx100/ Rx135 90/100 cdi Ignition Performance kit
90/100 performance kit
With ultra pickup coil performance,Tarque,power,and lamp intensity with timing adjust clock 7...
Rs 1,000
Arduino UNO R3 Development Board with USB Cable
Arduino UNO R3 Development Board ATMEGA328P ATMEGA16U2 with USB Cable
With 1 X L298N DC Motor Driver
and 3 X...
Rs 150
Vtu, 5th sem Mechanical engineering,Dynamics of
Vtu, 5th sem Mechanical engineering,Dynamics of machines by J.B.K.Das
Rs 12,199
Oppo A57 7 days old , newblack version with complete
Oppo A57 2 days old ,black edition with complete kit earphones unused 16 MP selfie camera with backcover protector...
Rs 200
T shirt for sale. one piece at Rs 250 and set of
T shirt for sale. one piece at Rs 250 and set of three for Rs 600
Rs 70,000
Macbook 13 retina 256gb
kept like new. was always laminated. selling because i have a 15inches as well
128gb/8gb Retina.
Rs 4,500
Cannon barrel exhaust used for a month thats all
Cannon barrel exhaust used for a month thats all in mint condition
Rs 19,000
2001 Suzuki Others 48000 Kms
It's good condition new back tyre document expire it's argent do I am selling any 1 interest can take
Rs 5,000
Labrador for Sall it's urgent I want to sell dem
Labrador for Sall it's urgent I want to sell dem and I have females each for 5000. it's urgent
Rs 13,000
Apple iPod touch - 64gb - 5th gen
Apple iPod Touch - 64gb
5th generation
excellent condition with great battery backup
with case and cable