Classifieds in Kerala
- 15K Cars
- 21K Car parts
- 4K Bicycles
- 39K Motorcycles and parts
- 2K Kids’ products & Toys
- 4K Clothes
- 717 Garden & House
- 12K Furniture
- 3K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 12K Computers and parts
- 5K TV games & PC games
- 2K Photo & Cameras
- 6K Audio and video
- 8K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 23K Books
- 9K Pets and animals
- 3K Hobbies & Collectors
- 669 Watches & Jewelry
- 5K Music instruments
- 8K Sport
Rs 1,000
Royal enfiled acessories ..old Butterfly crash
Royal enfiled acessories ..old Butterfly crash guard and side leg crash
Rs 12,000
ASUS EeeBook 12 hrs battery life, 11.6 inch, 2 GB
ASUS EeeBook 12 hrs battery life, 11.6 inch, 2 GB RAM
Rs 800
KTM Duke Tank Covr
orange 2016,Little scratch on right side used only 4 mnths,ultra bright colour.Fxd price
Rs 18,999
2010 Hero Honda Super Splendor
All papers clear
Exchange allowed
Both tyres good
Neat and clean vehicle
2010 model
Fixed price
Self start
Rs 32,000
Honda Activa 2012 km 32100 (Price : 32000)
Working good condition,New tyers and new battery,company service,single use,All papers are clear.(My number:...
All split A/C insttaling, servicing & Reparing
All split A/C insttaling servicing & Reparing
A/c Fridge Washing meshine Deep freezer ext
Service charge only 450
Rs 3,800,000
1150 sqft cute house at angamaly
Beautiful 4 yrs old house on 6cent plot at Nazareth nagar, Angamaly 3km to Airport and 1km to Railway station, Pvt...
Rs 41,000
Yamaha FZS 62000 Kms 2013 year
Very good condition bike two new tyres new battery with waranty card new insurance new chain spoket nearly serviced...
Rs 5,000
All books u need for any engineering entrance
all books u need for any engineering entrance exam price quoted for all the books price highly negotiable and also...
Rs 1,000
Pradeep's Objective Chemistry and physics
Pradeep's Objective Chemistry and physics.vol 1&2 (5 books)
Rs 900
Knowledgepedia Understand The World Better World Book
Knowledgepedia Understand The World Better World Book
Rs 6,000
Car highdolic Jake argent sale new no compants
Car highdolic Jake argent sale new no compants
Rs 500
Royal Enfield Mudgaurd Brass Name plate Those who
Royal Enfield Mudgaurd Brass Name plate
Those who are interested Whatsapp me
Rs 2,500
Dash hount male & female 35 days old puppies for sale.9 44 six 345 134
Dash hount male & female 35 days old puppies for sale 9 44 six 345 134
Rs 650
Exploring Biology For Neet textbooks.
Exploring Biology For Neet Textbook.volume 1& 2 together.
Rs 13,500
Toshiba Core i3 with 2 Gb nvdia graphics and 4 Gb
Toshiba Core i3 with 2 Gb nvdia graphics and 4 Gb ram 500gb hdd 4 hours battery backup ,Silver color ,
Rs 250
Previous question papers and it's answers,
previous question papers and it's answers, detailed information about each answers, 2016 edition , look like new
Rs 400
200 ns Number plae stand with led strip light
200 ns Number plae stand with led strip light with indicator, break light and park light
Rs 100
Photostat ( Dynamics of machinery RS khurumi +
Photostat ( Dynamics of machinery RS khurumi + Vibrations by VP Singh ) in one book -good condition - for btech...
I am in need of software testing part tme job.
I am in need of software testing part tme job. Have 4 years of exp.