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Safety Center

Most local classifieds are posted by honest people and are safe to use. Yet, as online scammers are becoming more widespread and creative with their tactics, consumers need to be aware of how to protect themselves and their families.

It's easy to stay safe when you pay attention to the warning signs.

  • On our Safety Guidelines page, you can learn basic tips for staying safe or how to communicate through email safely. You can also read detailed safety guidelines about buying, selling, and payment methods.
  • On the Common Scams page, you can read about the variety of popular scams out there and how to tell a scammer. has a fraud detection technology, which automatically detects and removes a large amount of scam listings every day. We also have a dedicated team working to keep you safe.

However, you are crucial in helping us take down bad posters, as well as helping us learn more about the latest scams. If you see a suspicious listing, you should report it to us. With help from enough people, we can remove the suspicious users.