Classifieds in Uttar Pradesh
- 11K Cars
- 3K Car parts
- 7K Bicycles
- 16K Motorcycles and parts
- 3K Kids’ products & Toys
- 4K Clothes
- 1K Garden & House
- 13K Furniture
- 7K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 12K Computers and parts
- 5K TV games & PC games
- 1K Photo & Cameras
- 8K Audio and video
- 12K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 36K Books
- 6K Pets and animals
- 5K Hobbies & Collectors
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 4K Music instruments
- 9K Sport
Rs 3,500
Pioneer Double Din Car stereo excellent working
Pioneer Double Din Car stereo excellent working condition as gud as new..non usb model
Rs 10,000
Redmi note 4 3gb ram 32gb space Buyed in march
Redmi note 4 3gb ram 32gb space
Buyed in march
Interested person msg n call me
Rs 40,007,000
Technician for RO Service and Installation.
Technician for RO Service and Installation.
Rs 400
Latest 2017 edition, Brand new, Seal Packed
Latest 2017 edition, Brand new, Seal Packed Official GRE Verbal Reasoning by ETS
Including Real test questions.
Rs 5,000
1971 ke 2 1972 ka 1 1973 ke 2 1974 ka1 10paise
1971 ke 2 1972 ka 1 1973 ke 2 1974 ka1 10paise silver coin all sell
Rs 11,999
Dell Latitude 6220 Core i3 4 Gb Ram Laptop
aur bhi laptops mil jayenge shop pe aakar dekh lijiye address hai piyush cd dvd shop no 3 fairdeal house naza market...
Rs 3,800
BSA kids bicycle with steel frame one year old
BSA kids bicycle with steel frame one year old
Rs 750
Three Gate MCQ Electrical Books
Three Gate Electrical book by RK Kanodia and Ashish Muroli.
Best book for gate preparation.
Rs 2,000
New atlas red coloured cycle of just 1500 nice
New atlas red coloured cycle of just 2000 nice
Rs 30,000
6.44 ratti Natural Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj A++ Quality
Weight of Gemstone – 6.44 Ratti
Origin of Gemstone :...
Rs 9,800
Lenevo thinkpad TOUCH SCREEN LAPTOP with 2gb ram, 320gb hdd
ram-2gb, hard disk-320gb, core2duo processor, 1 gb graphics, flip bag, adaptor, bill, genuin OS
Rs 300
Two Refresher BBA Books 5th & 6th sem
Two Refresher BBA Books(Gyan Ganga) of 5th &6th sem are available
Rs 16,000
1 Boss chair, 2 visitor chair, 1 office table,
1 Boss chair, 2 visitor chair, 1 office table, compete set, hardly 6months used, excellent condition, like new.....
Rs 4,000
I want to sell my complete fiitjee packages for
I want to sell my complete fiitjee packages for JEE advance..
Rs 2,500
Milton 2years old cycle in best at
Milton 2years old cycle in best at 891704400six
Rs 500
Omega Mini Drafter (Brand New Condition) + Sheet
Omega Mini Drafter (Brand New Condition) + Sheet Holder
Rs 279
Computer organization book by Carl hamacher
Computer organization book by
Carl hamacher
Zvonko vranesic
Safwat zaky
Rs 20,000
Battery operated cycle
Battery operated cycle
Totally new cycles
10 cycles left
Has a horn and a head light
7 gear manual...
Rs 6,000
Godrej Interio 1 year old center table with glass top
Godrej Interio 1 year old center table with glass top
1 rack below of glass to keep papers other stuff
Rs 110,000
Hyundai Santro Xing Gl, 2005, Cng
Vehicle Specs:
Make: Hyundai
Model: Santro Xing
Variant: Santro Xing GL
Vehicle Type: Hatchback
Mileage: 76,000 KMS...